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2011-12 Picasa Photo Hayden -M0 & Nathan - M26

2011-1-2 東征C討, 探尋C奇古怪, 巴里島親子遊

Hayden & Nathan Blog



Sharing: The Mom Song 超猛媽媽歌-有中文


2 則留言:

yujia 提到...

waaaaa, fascinating...I hope I don't have to be such tiring hateful mom, but you know now I already have to tell myself"cool down ,she did not do it on purpose". And my girl is only Eight months.

Unknown 提到...

To Yuja,

I think that mom is very creative, she can change all the lyrics and map to the real life. All kids are similar, sometimes are small angel, next minute change to small devil. But I think that's the unforgettable time in the life. you will get through, don't worry.
