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2011-12 Picasa Photo Hayden -M0 & Nathan - M26

2011-1-2 東征C討, 探尋C奇古怪, 巴里島親子遊

Hayden & Nathan Blog



賣車遇到詐騙集團 Fraundulent Buyer

賣車遇到詐騙集團 Fraundulent Buyer


H先生: Still available? 車子還在賣嗎?

CC: The car is still available. I live in Hornsby (Sydney train north shore line), and the available inspection time is weekday after 7:30pm or weekend whole day. If you want to come for inspection, please tell me when, then I will give you the address.

H先生: I want to buy it for my wife's birthday to make her a surprise.
As I am in Milano, Italy in a business trip I want to manage this fast so we won't waste our time.
I would like to know your final asking price.

CC: When will you be able to inspect the vehicle? If not too long, I think I can give you the price $XXXX.
你什麼時候可以來看車呢? 若是不是太久以後,我想我可以給你XXXX價格。
H先生: Agree on the price. I will proceed with full payment in advance. I will need the fallowing details in order to proceed: your complete name and address (street, city, state and zip code).
Waiting for your reply !
我同意這個價格,我會先付全額。但我需要下面的資料來進行: 你的全名和住址(街道、城市、州名和郵遞區號)。等待你的回覆!

CC: Here are my details, so what kind of method will you pay? internet bank transfer? Do you need me to give you the bank details?
And when will you or any one who can represent you to pick the car if you pay in full?
My full name is XXXX.
The address is XXXXX Hornsby, NSW 2077.
這裡是我的資料,你會用何種方式付款呢? 網路銀行轉帳? 你有需要我的帳戶號碼好轉帳嗎? 若你已付全額後,你或者是可以代表你的人什麼時候可以來取車? 我的全名是XXXX 住址是XXXX.

H先生: I have sent you the payment via AereoTrasporti Italy. You should have
received a confirmation email with the needed details. Please check
your email carefully and let me know !


----- 在今天我就收到那個什麼
AereoTrasporti公司寄來的信,說那個買主已經買車金額託管給他們,買主已付了100歐元的運費,要我也付100歐元運費,我就可以拿到買主託管的現金信件(那封信還給它挺長的,改天補貼上來)。 當下我就覺得是詐騙集團所以我回了信給他。

I received the email from AereoTransporti Italy.
But it request me to pay the shipping cost as quoted below,
The shipping cost to send this envelope with money was 200.00 EURO. The sender of the money paid us 100.00 EURO. You have to pay the other half of 100.00 EURO trough Western Union. After we receive your e-mail with the payment confirmation of 100.00 EURO we will move the envelope with your money directly to your home address.
I don't want to pay that extra 100.0 EURO for the shipping cost, that's not part of the transaction.
We can have the transaction after you back Australia if the vehicle not
been sold at the time. or you possibly can assign some others who can
represent for in-face transaction.


2 則留言:

FiFi 's 輕熟女日記 提到...


BTW,為什麼我可以直接從MSN space連到你的blog? 你怎麼弄的?
我還在研究這個blog要怎麼使用? 看起來還是Yahoo的比較適合我這種笨人使用...

Unknown 提到...

Dear Fiona,


至於MSN SPACE可以連到這裡,是因為我每次POST一篇,就去MSN SPACE加一篇啦!沒什麼技巧,哈哈!