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2011-1-2 東征C討, 探尋C奇古怪, 巴里島親子遊

Hayden & Nathan Blog





Since today is 2008 last day, as usual list some new year wishes and targets, hope I can make it and get another better new year. When I look back in Year 2008, really quite a lot changes in my life. It always some transforms keep us growing and be mature, it's good and I have confident that can keep on it, and like myself more each year.

Look back in my 2008
  • Officially migrate to Australia
  • Start new job in Australia
  • Try to be in a different cultures and working environments
  • Rent our own apartment
  • I've traveled to 2 new places, Viet Nam and Indonesia (Borobudur)
  • Not maintain regular exercising -> I need to find other exercises other than swimming.
  • English Studying not work very hard -> need improvement
  • didn't take 11g OCP -> OK, I need to finish this one (although not really want to take any exam, kind of lazy..)

2009 wishes and targets

  • Dream Home purchase
  • Read English Book, at least 2 months one book.
  • Watch BTN (Behind the news) weekly.
  • Go to bed before 10:30pm. (for 8 hrs sleep; flexible, but must have 8 hrs sleep)
  • Regular exercises.
  • One long vacation in Australia (7 days).
  • Be patient, and be honest.
  • 11g OCP

How's your new wishes and goals in 2009?
No matter what kind of targets, hope you will make wishes come true. Let's work on it together.

Happy New Year and Best wishes to all of you!


Merry Christmas 2008

Hunter Valley

聖誕節哪裡過呢? 去Canberra,澳洲的首都,連飯店都準備訂下去了,耳聞-很難玩、超無聊,查了那裡的景點,全部關門。臨時改變行程(周日才改的唷,周四馬上出發去別的地方),改去Hunter Valley(獵人谷)。去打獵? 哈哈,我打人還差不多。Hunter Valley是一堆酒莊,葡萄園種植區域,當然是去品酒。(老實說,是去喝免錢的啦,品酒,我還不大會啦)

小民堅持不住Backpacker之類的Hostel,還好有他的堅持,要住個好一點的。因為,澳洲的Christmas比台灣的過年還恐怖,店全部關光光,酒莊一家都沒開,連餐廳也只有像我們住的飯店附設的才有開。看來明年的Christmas我們要不待在家裡,若出去玩最好還是住Apartment,有附廚房的那種。話說回飯店,我們住的是Crowne Plaza Hotel,四星,有特價,雖然早餐要另外加錢,至少是buffet。聖誕節當天,真的是完全放空,refresh一下。游泳池泡一下水(真的是一下,因為水很冰呀!很偑服不怕冷的小孩們,每個都迫不及待跳進去,真的是給它很勇!),躺在池畔曬太陽,喝著啤酒吃著薯條,人生一大享受!(有點兒懷念巴里島的時光,點食物完全不用在意價錢!在澳洲還是要看一下單價的!難怪澳洲人特喜歡去巴里島度假!)

晚餐當然沒得選擇,只能在飯店吃。不過不是吃聖誕大餐(這個太貴了,晚餐一人要100澳幣,我們還是單點就好了),樓下的餐廳解決。不過點了A,過了好幾分鐘說A沒有,點了B又是一樣的狀況,幸好飯店算是訓練的好,送了我們一瓶白酒當compensation,也算是來hunter valley意外的品酒吧!而且還是免費的一大瓶,喝完這一大瓶,回房間真的給它超好睡!隔天一早醒來吃完早餐,好可以出發去wine tasting。

有鑑於還要開車回Sydney,也只能很含蓄的喝,只到兩個酒莊而已。也算是喝了幾種不同的酒,個人小小結論是,wine tasting還是適合下午以後的行程,畢竟早上才剛醒沒多久,早餐都還沒吃完就喝酒,也不是很好啦!可能下次還是參加tour,有司機開車會更盡興一些。(殘念的是,有一家酒莊有Cheese factory,26日是Boxing Day,也沒開!Xmas的行程還是往海邊去比較適合)


PS. 聖誕節當天看到不少黑頭髮黃皮膚的都開車跑去玩,果然大家都沒啥經驗啊!

Fairylands Loop Track BushWalking (Lane Cove National Park)

Lane Cove National Park


這次的起點和終點都是在Lane Cove National Park,為了省停車費,索性停到路邊而不是停車場。National Park不乏BBQ區,果然不少家庭聚在一起享受難得的悠閒時光,小孩就任由在草地上奔跑,感覺真的挺自由快樂的。連野鴨、鴛鴦都來湊熱鬧,在岸上睡起午覺,也真有牠們的。

沿途不少河岸風景,但在中間折返點的工廠排放怪氣,無法滯留過久,快步折返。途中經過草地田徑場,整個跑道是草地,有畫線,非常特別。但我想下雨過後應該就不容易跑吧。這個bush walking track最特別的一段,是會行經高爾夫球場,注意觀望附近有無飛來小白球,被K到應該不是很好玩的吧!

不過最近周六的行程都變成看房子行程,要再找新的bush walking可能也得多有點兒空時間吧!只能說...

To be continued....

資料參考 Wild Walks


OCS (Oracle Collaboration Suite) 10g Installation Tips

OCS (Oracle Collaboration Suite) 10g Installation Tips

This blog is for my own note. I installed the OCS 10g encountered a lot problem, so I want to take it as a note, for future usage. If you install them all in one box, it's not so complicated. Because my case is install Database, AS, and OCS in 3 separate machines, this makes thing more complicated. Anyway, if you have the same requirements as mine, maybe you can use this one for reference.

  • OID database version must be (it include in the installation DVD)
  • OCS infrastructure installation need to be on 32bits. (because no 64 bits software)
  • OID database need use port 1521 for listening.
  • For application server and webcache listening ports change, better
    set ports ini file when running the runInstaller. (it will use new
    defined ports rather than default eg. 7778)
  • If you want to change the ports or server name after installation. Ref Administration file Chap 13.
  • If collab database and IdM repository want to be located on different
    server, need  shutdown ias component first, use rman do the duplicate
    database, and restore database to another server.
  • When doing the clone database from box A to box B, make sure the
    LINUX bits the same. If not the same platform, will hit ORA-06553 error
    message, check metalink Doc ID: 62290.1 for solution.
  • 10.1.x RMAN clone will not clone the tempfile, need manually create it after startup. Fix after 10.2.x.
  • ★★★★★ For the Metadata repository we can reside in different box
    from Infrastructure, Use Oracle® Application Server Administrator's Guide 10g ( - Chap 9 Changing the Metadata Repository Used by Identity Management. Steps before move the metadata repository to another box, need
    shutdown ias component first, dbca create new database (inc. OLAP,
    TEXT, EM, ultrsearch) and make sure database meet the requirements as
    stated Oracle® Application Server Metadata Repository Creation Assistant User's Guide Chap 1 OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant Overview.

Happy Installation.


Xmas Big Bunny?

Xmas Big Bunny?


在這裡也常常可見小朋友拿著自己的樂器,像街頭藝人一樣,吹著樂器賺零用錢,還有吹笛子的勒(吹著伸縮喇叭和長笛的還蠻多的)。若有吹聖誕歌曲的,那還算應應景,但不少是拿著譜來練習的,真是覺得零用錢真好賺(因為很多媽媽會走過來投錢,可能看他們很辛苦吧) 想想以前在樂隊時,怎麼沒想過這個賺零用錢的好方法。還不會因為把圓號帶回家吹被老媽罵(真的是很大聲啦) 。家裡有小孩的媽媽,考慮一下把小朋友帶去街上賺賺錢吧! (看是要敲響板,還是要吹吹口琴,哈哈)

神奇面罩 Magic Mask

神奇面罩 Magic Mask

一堆東西想跟大家分享, 一直撥不出時間來更新BLOG。有這麼忙嗎? 耶...其實是平常上班回家都很晚了,只想收收信,看一下別人寫的BLOG,自己懶得寫啦!趁著Xmas休假時間,來更新一下吧!今天的標題是神奇面罩,到底是什麼東西呢?就是麥當勞神奇炸薯條面罩。那天去food court吃東西時偶然發現的,其它速食店都沒有喔,真的是給它很神奇。不知道這樣是真的有防護到嗎?懷疑應該很悶熱吧!


行動版 Mobile version

很久沒有時間更新BLOG, 其實有很多事情發生。但一直沒機會更新,等下次有空再來跟大家聊聊近況吧。那...現在不更新近況,這篇是裝肖仔嗎? 當然不是啦,因為發現好東西了。應該不少人跟我一樣拿著iphone (好啦,若是人在台灣,可能沒有),或是拿著可以上網的手機(這可多了吧!) ,無聊時上網看看新聞,或是看看有沒有誰家小孩更新照片(一般應該不會拿來看照片,太耗頻寛了),或是想看看CC的BLOG有沒有又做什麼好吃的,可以流一下口水,聖誕節前報個福音給各位啦!

CC BLOG之行動版出現啦!!
或是想用手機訂閱, 則點右邊這個LINK,訂閱 subscribe using Mobile phone

若是也想讓自己BLOG有行動版的朋友,可以到FreedM8註冊一個免費帳號。只需輸入EMAIL和你的SITE URL就好了。