English below
台灣小朋友的營養午餐還沒機會見識(畢竟我沒小孩),但是倒是在電視上看到英國學童的午餐著實把我嚇到。Discovery Travel & Living的Jamie Oliver(專門教人做菜的廚師)主持了一個Jamie's School Meal節目,他決定到學校去改善學生的飲食。不論從小學還是到高中,營養午餐幾乎都是薯條、螺旋火雞捲(火雞肉成份不到30%,幾乎都是油和塩)、漢堡等,總而言之,舉凡炸的、加工食品或是多塩多油食品,都可以在"營養"午餐的菜單中見到。再加上學校一般在營養午餐的預算有限(公立學校),當外包給廠商時,廠商購買的餐點也不外乎是一堆加工食物。
我想大家聽到這些東西,應該和我看到這個節目一樣的震驚。這就是英國未來的國家主人翁,儘吃些垃圾食物,不過值得高興的是,英國政府注意到了也逐漸改善(BBC News),也希望我們的政府也能多加注意孩童的飲食,讓小小主人翁們都能夠健康快樂的成長。
Jamie's School Meal,台灣翻做"校園主廚奧利佛",周四晚上11點Discovery

Most parents work full time job, dinner mostly eat quickly and simple, and sometimes they spend a lot time thinking of what to bring for kid's lunch meal. Most schools want to help parents resolve this kind of problem or even for giving poor family children the same nutrition, school food produce.
I never saw Taiwan children's school lunch before, after all I don't have kids, but I was shocked by school lunch in UK. Jamie Oliver in Discovery Travel & Living channel hold a program called Jamie's School Meal, he went to school for improving students diet. No matter from primary school to senior high, school lunch almost chips, fries, spiral turkey pie (not so sure the name), burgers, etc. Anyway, every fried, food additives, over-salt, over-oil food all can be seen in school lunch menu. Due to budget issue school will outsource school meal to professional cooking company, they only can provide food additives for saving budget and fast serving.
Jamie first tried to implement nutritious and cheap healthy food in junior high, students mostly were unwilling to try, even complain and protest. Their reason is they don't like fish, chicken or curry vegetables, any food we think normal they all think hard to swallow. Jamie decided try from primary school, he wants to improve children's eating habit. He asked children do they recognize of vegetabls and fruits, they can only identify the fast food company, some even point Asparagus as onion (want to faint, right?). Then he asked what they ate last night, answers all very similar, nothing besides fries, chicken nugget, and even instant noodles. What school provide for lunch are all bunch of addictives food, you can eat after fried it. Some students bring their own lunch contained cookies, chocolate, these kind of junk food. Students suffer from the Constipation due to the diet habits, there is a kid had been constipated for 6 weeks, but almost everyone think this kind of situation is normal, hospital even built up the Constipation department. There was an experiment whole family eat healthy food for 5 days instead of junk food, their children become more calm and not yelling, on the 6th day they give children some snack foods, after 30 mins they start to yell.
Jamie finally let one class like to eat healthy and natural food after 6 months, of course parents need to corporate, but they still need to influence whole school. Good news is the county parliaments decide to increase school lunch budget to let school be capable purchasing more health food for kids.
I think most people me was shocked by 1st hearing as me. This is the future of England eat all these junk food, but something to feel happy is British government notice it and try to improve it(BBC News), I wish our government can also take more concern on the children's diet, let them grow happily and healthier.
2 則留言:
這個節目剛好我也有看﹐恰巧我很注意那個火雞卷名字(turkey twistler)﹐因為在新加坡不曾見過﹐不知道有沒有賣?