SKYPE has a lot of good stuffs, one is SkypeIn, you can purchase a real phone number in 14 countries, let other people easily find you using normal telephone. (I'm using the SKYPEIN Australia number now, in case someday I send my CV to apply job, they can find me easily.) Another is SkypeOut, dial international physical phone numbers through Skype. A good function called Call Forwarding in SkypeIn, which can forward the missed call to physical phone number, it will deduct your SkypeOut credit while Call forwarding occured. When purchasing Skype Credit be careful about the currency you are using, better not use EURO as your base. If you are in Taiwan or Singapore, the exchange rate is not so good for EURO. I've checked the SkypeOut rate and connection fee, SkypeOut rate will be adjusted according to current exchange rate, but not for connection fee. So we'd better change the base currency to US dollars for earning the connection fee difference.
SKYPE有很多的好東西,一個是SKYPEIN,可以買某一國家的實體電話號碼讓別人用一般電話找到你。(像我就買了個澳洲Sydney的電話號碼,怕哪天寄履歷給別人時,方便他們能夠找到我)另一個則是SKYPEOUT,可由SKYPE撥電話到全世界各地的手機或是市話。SKYPEIN有個功能是Call Forwarding,來電轉接,但轉接時會扣SKYPEOUT的點數。買SKYPE點數時,也要注意所用的貨幣,千萬不要用到以歐元計價,一來不論是台幣或是新幣對歐元的匯率都不好,等於被剝了兩層皮(用信用卡付款時又有一次匯差,一般都先換到美金再折成歐元)。最近查了一下SKYPEOUT的費率及連接費的狀況,發現SKYPEOUT的費率是會依現在的匯率浮動做調整,但是連接費則不會,以目前而言,美金疲軟的態勢,換成美金真的划算許多。所以可以把SKYPEOUT的基本幣值改成美元,賺取連接費的差價喔。
Connection Fee for SkypeOut Call 連接費
中文 EnglishSKYPEOUT Rate 費率
中文 EnglishSMS Rate簡訊費率
中文 English