Happy Lantern Festival 祝大家元宵節快樂
Tomorrow is Lantern Festival, although I will not be able to be in Taiwan, but I still will buy rice dumpling-tangyuan and eat with friends to celebrate this special lunar calendar big day. In Singapore during Chinese New Year (CNY) period, people are used to eat YuShen - a kind of raw fish salad, It usually consists of strips of raw fish (most commonly salmon), mixed with shredded vegetables and a variety of sauces and condiments, among other ingredients. Literally translated, "yusheng" means "raw fish", though it can also be taken to symbolise abundance, prosperity and vigor. This is only a tradition for Singaporeans, not other Chinese place such as China or Taiwan.
發財魚生,很特別的一道新加坡的年菜,幾乎過年期間甚至到春酒必吃的菜餚,主要有生魚片,蘿萄絲,小餅乾,桔子醬等一堆東西放在一起,服務人員在將醬料到在這道菜上還會取諧音說吉祥話,要吃時大家拿著筷子努力將東西將菜愈拉愈高,代表新的一年將會步步高昇,好運連來. (當然桌面就變成一片狠籍啦!)
今年的新年是我結婚的第一個新年,所以和往年也不大相同,必須要有媳婦的體認回小民台中家過年,雖然不會煮菜幫不上忙,總還是要在廚房幫忙婆婆,主動洗碗. 初一去彰化看小民阿公前,還到鹿港一趟,果然名不虛傳,香火鼎盛,但也因此快中暑了(又是暖冬,當天我還穿無袖的). 下回還是去人少的地方.
More photos about 鹿港
星國大探險 SG Explore,
美食記錄 Food Rec,
蕃薯國大探險 TW Explore
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