每回快回台灣,就開始努力地看博客來和金石堂網路書店看有什麼書可以扛回星星國的.雖說星星國也有圖書館可以借中文書,但總是沒有台灣的書種類多又新. 再加上博客來有時還有折價卷可以省個20元,也是不錯的. 至於折價卷哪裡拿呢?嘿嘿,利用通關密語吧!! 像是到六月底用cheers當通關密語就可以拿到100元折價卷,不無小補囉!!
Every time before back to Taiwan, I will try to search online bookstore to see any new Chinese books I can buy and bring back to Singapore. Although Singapore Library have some Chinese books, compare to Taiwan it still not as many. You can use the voucher to purchase books on http://www.bookstore.com.tw, save about NT$20, it's better than nothing. But how you get the passcode to get the voucher, you can use some easy guessing tip such as "cheers" before end of June-2006. After all, a penny saved is a penny earned.
Ref Website: Philipz學習日誌