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2011-12 Picasa Photo Hayden -M0 & Nathan - M26

2011-1-2 東征C討, 探尋C奇古怪, 巴里島親子遊

Hayden & Nathan Blog



新加坡折扣季 Great Singapore Sale


Every June is the most expected season in Singapore, of course not because of the comfortable weather, it is the expense season - Great Singapore Sale. From cosmetics to shoes and clothes are all on my shopping lists. Still need to remind myself only purchases the stuff I need not because of cheap. I didn't go shopping on Saturday but I still went to IKEA for some house ware shopping. Because I live in small room now, it's a single bed not the one I slept before (queen size bed), I need to buy some bed sheets and pillow cases. Except that I like to open my room door for better air flow, so I need to buy a portiere for better privacy. The pity thing is IKEA is too far away from my place, this is the first time I went after the 2 years stay in Singapore.

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