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2011-12 Picasa Photo Hayden -M0 & Nathan - M26

2011-1-2 東征C討, 探尋C奇古怪, 巴里島親子遊

Hayden & Nathan Blog



簡易葡萄乾蘋果泥麵包 Rasin & Apple Bread

這次的成果是 葡萄乾蘋果泥麵包, 由KO廚房筆記簡易葡萄乾香蕉麵包改良而成.
而右上角那碗是我的點心之一, 日式年糕紅豆湯!!
這個周末來挑戰什麼呢? 嘿嘿先賣個關子吧!!


To My Dear Friend - Yu Jia

Some good friends may not contact you all the times, but we are here and let you know there are some one in the world care you and love you. This time you come back to Singapore, you realize something important than you thought before. We all like this, when the happiness around us, we didn't notice; but when we are away, we finally understand it is so easy to be happy but we don't know.

You always say I am your friend who can always give you some good idea, but you know what - you are also the kind of friend remind me there are something important in my life, it is family and I need to know how to appreciate all the things I have now. My husband always says CC are so lucky, so many people love you and care about you. (Because I received so many wedding gifts and blessings from the friends in Singapore, although we didn't hold any ceremony here)

This time you fly back to Germany, I'm sure you will be much happier than last year. Life is changing all the time, and we are trying to overcome all the obstacles in our lives. If you have bad mood or meet some problem, just want you know, we maybe can't help, but we are always here, stand for you. Sometimes do let it go, or think other ways, things will get better.

Best Wishes to my dear friend - Yu Jia.

西點-Tiramisu & Muffin

最近愛上做西點的樂趣,不過做了當然要和大家共享才能感受到那份滿足感和成就感,上週做了個Tiramisu,雖然酒放的有點多,但是大家還是挺捧場.(研究結果:食譜的酒量過多,可能得減少成1/4的量,可能會比較適當)這周六台灣Team約好一起去新加坡動物園,也貢獻出我的第一次蘋果葡萄乾muffin,算是頗受好評,不過為此也得買一堆烤具!! 哈哈!!自己會做西點後,會覺得有些東西咖啡店或麵包店真的賣的還挺貴的!給大家看看CC烹調成果!!