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Hayden & Nathan Blog



自己動手做韓式泡菜 Make Kimchi by myself


After come to Singapore, I started to make a lot food by myself. Kimchi is one of my favorite foods, not only it is a very good appetizer, it also can preserve longer and be used as soup. The only drawback is it's too complicated to make, this is the reason why I didn't make it again after last year 1st trial. This Saturday I suddenly want to make it again, but forgot to put Thai Fish Sauce inside, hope the flavor will not change too much.


香蕉芝麻鬆餅蛋糕 [Banana Sesame Waffle Cake]


鬆餅粉 200g
牛奶 150cc
蛋 1個

作法: 把上述材料攪拌均勻,放如電子鍋蒸30分鐘即可(電子鍋會自動跳起,不若理它就讓它保溫.若是一般電鍋則是蒸15分鐘後,再悶個20分鐘,拿筷子插有硬硬的就OK了).若想做成香蕉口味,就放入香蕉.像這次我加了兩根香蕉,一些芝麻和葡萄乾.若電子鍋品質不好(像我的),建議鍋底抹點奶油,避免沾鍋.

補充: 星期日再做了一次,就大成功啦!!

2nd trial Waffle Cake! successful!

Banana Sesame Waffle Cake

Lisa's school sibling studied in the same graduate school in Japan, invited us go to her house for afternoon tea yesterday. Because this was the 1st time we went to her house, we'd better bring something. I decided make a waffle cake to share with everyone, although this was my 1st trial, every one loved it and kept saying delicious. It looked like not very pretty but taste good, I think I have the talent of cooking...:)

How to make a waffle cake
Waffle powder 200g
Milk 150cc
Egg 1

Mix all of the above well and put it into rice cooker for 30 minutes, then it's done. If you want to make the banana flavor, you just add banana. The one I made yesterday, I put 2 bananas and some sea some and dry grapes. If your rice cooker is not good, better put some butter on the bottom of pot.